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The Best and Worst of last night’s Oscar Ceremonies


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BEST: Anne Hathaway’s speech


So touching. People say it was too long, but I thought it was humbling and heartwarming. We all knew she would win, she was so brilliant in Les Mis.

WORST: Twitter handle for Anna Hathaway’s Nipple

People, the seam on the side of the dress created an allusion that Anne was bearing her nipples. Leave her alone okay? Although…she just won an Oscar, I’m not sure she cares all that much about what you have to say about her dress last night.

BEST: Envelopes are hard to open

Sandra Bullock’s facial reactions for best supporting actress please? Kind of looks like someone we know (*cough* Photoshopped Beyonce *cough*)

WORST: Wizards at the Oscars

Y’all need to get a hair cut

BEST: J-Law is really happy we haven’t seen her boobs 

WORST: If you don’t like musical theatre, this was a bad night for you 

BEST: Aaron Tveit is at the Oscars singing – movie b*tch get out of the way

I swooned. Hard.

WORST: The Onion blasts Quvenzhane Wallis

You have some explaining to do The Onion, that was SO out of line. What did a 9-year-old ever do to you?

BEST: Avengers assemble

Hottest casting for a movie ever goes to…

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