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As if he hasn’t gotten enough heat recently, James Franco’s ghosts of geeks past come back to haunt him!
According to Perez Hilton, the cast of Freaks and Geeks got together last weekend at the Paley Centre for Media’s annual Paley Fest…all but Franco, that is. And there was definitely no love in the air for the missing actor.
When the series’ creator Paul Feig stated that “there were no drama queens on the show”, Judd Apatow responded, “…Except for Franco.” Ouch.
Fellow freak-and-geeker Busy Phillipps, who’s character Kim Kelly was Franco’s on-screen girlfriend, said Franco once “threw her to the ground, even though the script didn’t call for the action.”
“Apparently, Franco decided that his character had “maybe been abused by his father,” but he never announced this to Philipps, and then during one scene when she lightly slapped him across the face, he freaked out and shouted “Don’t you ever [expletive] touch me again!” and then he threw her to the ground, which caused her to run to her trailer in tears.” Watch out world, we might have another Chris Brown on our hands!
It’s saddening to see such a notable actor going so downhill. We loved you in Spider Man and Pineapple Express, and we even loved you in 127 Hours. But after the Oscars, we lost most of our respect for you, and now this? Way to disappoint!
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